The World Health organisation states that polypharmacy is a major global challenge. Older people in care homes are at risk of harm with 91% taking 5 or more medications. Pharmacists play an essential role in conducting medication reviews, identifying potential drug related problems, and implementing appropriate interventions to optimise treatment.
As part of a pilot project for The Welsh Government Six Goals For Urgent and Emergency Care Pharmacists in Swansea Bay University Health Board’s Medicines Management team worked in collaboration with Consultant Geriatricians at Morriston hospital to review and optimise care home residents medication. Polypharmacy reviews were conducted assessing falls risk medication, anticholinergic burden and appropriateness of medication. Pharmacists engaged with the care homes to complete holistic clinical reviews and collaborated with consultant geriatricians to review recommendations. Pharmacists then actioned interventions and supported ongoing monitoring, working closely with the care homes. A total of five care homes have been chosen for the project with an estimated 200 residents. The team are still undertaking these reviews and conducting education.
Thus far 79 residents totalling 855 medications have been reviewed. 288 interventions have been identified averaging 3.6 interventions per resident. Of the 288 interventions 132 (15.4%) medications have been stopped that were identified as inappropriate or no longer required, 16.7% of the medication stopped were classed as medications that may increase the risk of falls. In addition to safety measures results from medication reviews have shown financial benefit through cost savings.
Problematic polypharmacy continues to be a challenge that needs to be addressed and with nearly a quarter of medications prescribed in this cohort being stopped the benefit of specialist older people polypharmacy review for care home residents is apparent.