The BGS has more than 5,200 multidisciplinary members from across the four nations and beyond, working across health and care settings.
The BGS is governed by a Board of Trustees, chaired by the BGS President. Our Trustees are supported and informed by a wider network of committees and councils which represent specific interests and workstreams within the Society. These committees include the Clinical Quality Committee, the Education and Training Committee, the Finance Committee, Policy Committee, Research and Academic Development Committee, Nurses and AHP Council, Trainees’ Council, Workforce Committee, and the Community and Primary Care Group, as well as the four nation councils. Each of these Councils and Committees has a specific remit, and BGS members are strongly encouraged to engage with Committees and Councils relevant to their own work and interests. Contact us if you would like to get involved, or visit this page for information about upcoming vacancies for Chair and Vice Chair positions.
The BGS also has a small staff team who work to deliver the strategic and operational objectives of the organisation, as agreed by the Board of Trustees.