Events and Continuing Professional Development

Major BGS conferences are held in the spring and autumn of each year. They attract hundreds of delegates and cover the latest advances in research and showcasing the best in clinical quality.

Every BGS spring and autumn conference has a full programme of CPD content, and recent events have featured specific full day sessions on community geriatrics, dementia, nutrition and end of life care.

We also run smaller and more focused events throughout the year. Several of the Society’s Special Interest Groups run educational meetings, for example on falls and bone health, cardiovascular disease and continence.

We’ve also recently produced a joint conference with the Royal College of Nursing’s Older People’s Forum and collaborated with AGILE to produce sessions aimed at physiotherapists and occupational therapists, and brought together geriatricians, GPs, directors of adult social services and Department of Health officials to look at the effective commissioning of services for older people with frailty.

As a BGS member you benefit from reduced attendance fees for all BGS events, meetings and conferences, as well as many other benefits.

We can also publicise events which may be of interest to our membership. To publicise your event on our website please complete this form. There is a small fee for this.

We also publicise courses which may be of benefit to professionals looking to enhance their knowledge in older people's health care. To submit your course, complete this form.

The best thing about being part of the BGS is having the support of similar minded doctors, and access to the combined intellectual resources of the Society.  Our recent work on stroke and hip fracture, and our current work on frailty, shows the success of this collaborative approach.”

Dr Kwasi Debrah, Consultant Geriatrican, Watford, and Former Chair of BGS England Council