Applications are invited for a two-year Fellowship attached to the Journal (one post available). Age and Ageing has developed this editorial fellowship to benefit geriatric medicine trainees interested in the editorial process.
The Fellow will learn about manuscript preparation, peer review, manuscript editing, and journal production. The appointment will run concurrently with the Fellow’s usual geriatric medicine training programme, or period out of programme for research.
The BGS acknowledges the challenges and opportunities of remote working due to the COVID-19 outbreak. We welcome applications from candidates who may currently not be engaged in clinical duties.
The Fellow’s roles will include involvement in general Journal business including handling submissions (under the supervision of the Editor or AE). The Fellow will be expected to write at least one editorial (with supervision).
The Fellow may also:
- Attend the Editorial Board meetings during their term as a non-voting member
- Attend at least one Committee on Publication Ethics forum/meeting
- Attend the BGS autumn and spring meetings, and assist in the review of posters and abstracts as required.
- Contribute to the journal’s social media presence
- Compile a brief report (with their supervising Associate Editor/the Editor in Chief) at the end of the Fellowship, to be submitted to the Editorial Board.
- Participate in some original research on the editorial process
The Fellow will be answerable to and supervised by a designated Associate Editor and thence the Editor-in-Chief and Editorial Board.
The Fellow role is still in its relative infancy, so the chosen candidate will have the opportunity to suggest new initiatives and pursue aspects of the role they find particularly interesting.
There will be no payment or honorarium but registration fees and reasonable travel expenses to attend the above meetings will be met, according to usual BGS policy. For international applicants, the maximum amount to be reimbursed for travel expenses will be £200 per event.
Suitable applicants must:
- Be post-MRCP (or equivalent)
- Have at least one year remaining in their training programme
- Be a BGS member
- Demonstrate an interest in, and commitment to, advancement of the specialty
- Demonstrate an interest in research, with evidence of previous publications
- Undertake to maintain strict confidentiality regarding all Journal/BGS activities.
Selection will be by a panel consisting of the Editor-in-Chief, an Associate Editor and the Editorial Manager.
Applications must be received by 22 June 2020 at addressed to Professor Rowan Harwood and should consist of:
- a brief (max. half-page) CV, to include your current position, BGS membership number, and proposed CCT date
- a summary (max. 300 words) of a) how you meet the criteria; b) what you can bring to the Fellowship; and c) what you hope to gain from it
- in your covering email, please include: a) the name and email address of your current or immediate past Educational Supervisor, who must be available to respond within a few days if contacted shortly after the closing date; and b) a statement that you commit to informing the Editorial Office if you are offered or take up a non-training position between the date of application and the beginning of the Fellowship.