The World Health Organisation lists antibiotic resistance as one of the biggest threats to global health [1]. We contribute to this as clinicians, through errors such as delayed review of prescriptions or prescribing against local trust guidelines. We have carried out a quality improvement project to improve antibiotic prescriptions on a geriatric ward at Croydon University Hospital. We carried out a fortnightly cross-sectional analysis of the antibiotic prescriptions on a geriatric ward. This included looking at the antibiotic prescribed, indication, duration, route of administration and presence of a review date. These were then compared to trust guidelines. After the first 8-weeks, we delivered a departmental teaching session on antibiotic prescriptions. We then re-audited the prescriptions. Following this, we sent out weekly email reminders on locating trust guidelines and information on prescriptions. We then re-audited following this. Finally, we created an e-learning resource to deliver to the ward on antibiotic prescriptions. We are planning to deliver this to the ward and re-audit afterwards. Initially, up to 90.0% of prescriptions differed from trust guidelines. Common reasons for differences when compared included incorrect drug prescribed, incorrect frequency of dosing, or non-specific indications leading to difficulty comparing. Following all interventions, approximately 32% of prescriptions differed from trust guidelines. This showed sustained improvement across 2 complete PDSA cycles (plan,do,study,act). A 3rd PDSA cycle is ongoing at present and preliminary data has shown approximately 28% of prescriptions differed from trust guidelines. This quality improvement project has successfully contributed to a reduction in prescription errors and safe prescribing. We will continue to provide information to our colleagues on antibiotic stewardship, to further encourage safe prescribing. [1]. Antibiotic resistance (2020) World Health Organization. Available at: https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/antibiotic-resistance (Accessed: May 2023).