Assessing loneliness in ambulatory patients on Leighton Frailty Unit

Poster ID
Authors' names
I Tay1; G Edwards1; S Drysdale2; D Purchase; S Davies; E Rowe
Author's provenances
1. Frailty Unit; Leighton Hospital; Mid Cheshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust; 2. Cheshire East Council



Loneliness is increasingly impacting older people in the UK and associated with poor health. The “Campaign to end loneliness” estimates that 1.2 million people are lonely. Age UK states that 2 million people will be lonely by 2026. For half of people aged >65, their main source of company is TV or pets.

Our objectives are to identify the prevalence of loneliness in the population presenting to Leighton Frailty Unit, develop a social prescribing tool to reduce this and highlight community services.


During September 2023- February 2024 we gathered baseline data on loneliness by encouraging staff to provide our questionnaire, based on the UCLA 3-item loneliness scale and Age UK guidance on direct loneliness questioning, to patients in chair spaces at Leighton Frailty Unit. We developed a social prescribing leaflet with activities in the local area using LiveWell Cheshire East. We re-contacted patients from cycle 1, repeated the questionnaire and asked if they had utilised the intervention leaflet.


From Cycle 1, 53% of patients experienced loneliness, with 23% reporting “often” feeling lonely. From Cycle 2 when assessing the impact of the social prescribing leaflet, 37% of patients experienced loneliness, with 19% reporting “often” feeling lonely. Patients did not use the social prescribing leaflet, citing being unable to attend activities as a reason.


We are increasingly identifying and assessing loneliness as part of a CGA and raising awareness of services. Rates of loneliness may have reduced due to simply talking openly about it. However, engagement with the intervention was poor. Loneliness differs from social isolation, it is complex and multi- factorial. Community care connectors are an under used resource and could help support the issue of accessibility. We will ask them to deliver teaching to the Frailty Unit about their services and which patients would be suitable.
