The healing arts


Dr Premila Fade is a Consultant Geriatrician at Northwick Park Hospital, Co-Chair of the BGS End Of Life Care Special Interest Group (SIG) and Co-Editor of the BGS guidance on End of Life Care in Frailty. She Tweets as @premzf.

As clinicians, we are aware of the complex interplay between physical, psychological and social aspects of illness and health. And yet when the pressure of work is intense we sometimes neglect our own wellbeing. 

This past year has presented the greatest challenge most of us have faced in our professional lives and we have had to look closer to home for ways to protect our own wellbeing. For some it is exercise, for others it is creative pursuits that help us deal with the complex emotional and psychological pressures of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Some of us find joy or solace in the beauty of a poem or piece of music. For others, only physical exercise can calm our mind and bring peace. As we come together for our second virtual conference, we would like you to share your creativity and help us to connect with each other, to share not just knowledge but also our humanity.

Whatever it is you do - singing, playing, baking, building, growing, knitting, sewing, painting, reading, writing, running, cycling… the list is endless, upload/send a short video/photo or document to this address and BGS will do the rest. The clips will be curated and linked together to form a video that will be available on-demand to watch during the conference, between clinical sessions, when you have a moment to relax and revive.

Deadline for contributions: April 16th via this link. Remember to register for the BGS Spring Meeting.

What is the Fringe?

The BGS virtual fringe is an experiment in addressing the modern inhumanities of life in hospitals through the humanities. Drawing upon art, poetry and culture for inspiration the fringe will be part virtual exhibition and part guided sessions to help you explore your mind, refresh and grow alongside the main conference sessions. 

How can I participate?

You can upload your own activities in the following broad categories:

  • Literature - good reads, poems, inspiring works.
  • Audio Visual Media – cinema greats and premieres, podcasts, playlists.
  • Exercise and movement – share your personal physical achievements, suggest new activities and motivational tips.
  • Arts and crafts – covering all things like knitting, quilting,  baking, sewing, painting and sculpture.

All contributions, large or small are welcome. For those curious, please review the programme in advance and plan your participation. Join in with the live sessions, chat or simply observe.

We plan for a return of some of the old favourites such as the “Film Club” and “Book Club”, but welcome new suggestions as well.

When will it happen?

The fringe will take place throughout the conference and will include inspiring displays, sessions and contributions addressing a wide variety of relevant topics. Make the most of this novel experience alongside the traditional educational content of the conference. It is meant as a learning and sharing experience and is suitable for all curious minds as well as offering a well-deserved break from clinical learning and work. View the programme online here, searching for “Fringe”.