Welcome to our new BGS officers!


Honorary Secretary: Professor Anne Hendry

About Anne
A geriatrician and former national clinical lead for integrated care in Scotland, I continue to promote effective health and care for older people through honorary positions with NHS Lanarkshire’s research and development team, with the University of the West of Scotland, and as trustee Director of Kilbryde Hospice. I am a Senior Associate of the International Foundation for Integrated Care and Director of their hub in Scotland, serve on the Editorial Board of the Journal of Integrated Care and am pleased to contribute to WHO Europe’s forum on Long Term Care.
Main priorities as Honorary Secretary
This is a hugely challenging time for those who work with older people but there has never been a better time for creative and innovative approaches to workforce planning and service design. I will support BGS to influence the current policy landscape across the UK so emerging governance arrangements create the conditions to deliver the best possible experience and outcomes for older people across the continuum of care. I hope our influence and advocacy encourages commissioners to develop integrated primary care, community and hospital services that are fit for frailty and supported by investment to build an interdisciplinary workforce with the right skills and networks.
How can members get involved?
The Policy and Communications Committee aims to identify and respond to policy issues in each of the four nations. We want our informed voice to influence the narrative and decision-making on healthcare for older people across the UK. In framing our policy statements, we are supported by members from different disciplines who are involved in our SIGs and councils. You can contribute to our collective policy influence through these BGS communities. If you want to raise a particular issue with me directly you can also email me at anne.hendry@lanarskhire.scot.nhs.uk

Deputy Honorary Secretary: Dr Ruth Law

About Ruth
I am a Consultant in Geriatric Medicine at Whittington Health NHS Trust.
Main priorities as Deputy Honorary Secretary
The last two years have been incredibly challenging for the whole MDT workforce, but I feel there is no better time for the British Geriatrics Society to be increasing its profile, impact, influence, and most importantly relevance to its members. My main priority is for the Society to continue to connect with its members as they navigate the highs and lows of working in the NHS. Despite the intensity of working through the pandemic, I still love the privilege and challenge of being a geriatrician and I hope I can use this role to help restore some of the joy to our specialty.
How can members get involved?
Take the opportunity to connect in whatever way you can! There are opportunities advertised every month in the e-bulletin and plenty happening over on Twitter too. Attend a conference or regional meeting. Look through some of our excellent policy documents. Most importantly - tell us what you think and what matters to you.

Chair of the BGS Nurses and AHPs Council: Dr Esther Clift

About Esther
I am a Consultant Practitioner in Frailty for Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust, and Visiting lecturer at Winchester University. I am also Credential Lead for Community Rehabilitation - Healthy Ageing with Health Education England.
Main priorities as Chair of the BGS Nurses and AHPs Council
To increase our membership and voice across all four nations, and to continue to grow our fantastic communities of practice in Advanced Practice, Leadership and Research.
How can members get involved?
If everyone encourages a colleague to join the society - I'd be delighted!

Deputy Chair of the BGS Nurses and AHPs Council: Lyndsey Dunn

About Lyndsey
I am Lead Nurse for Quality Improvement and Standards at Western General Hospital Edinburgh, NHS Lothian. I have had the privilege to serve NHS Lothian for nineteen years. I have held the position of Frailty Nurse Specialist in both the medical and surgical directorate, then most recently as Integrated Discharge Hub Manager in the Western General Hospital Edinburgh performing a key link between acute care and the wide range of community services by our ongoing collaboration with the Health and Social Care Partnership.
Main priorities as Deputy Chair of the BGS Nurses and AHPs Council
Throughout my journey my passion and goal has been delivering high-quality person-centred care for the older population, with a key role to influence and engage all levels to drive and improve health care for older adults. I am very proud to have been elected this year for the position of Deputy Chair of the Nurses and AHPs Council. Our social care system remains under continuous strain and pressure therefore my focus will be to continue to explore ongoing collaboration work between acute and community which are essential and necessary, with our community services given the same prioritisation, aiming to reduce unnecessary prolonged stays in hospital for our older population.
How can members get involved?
In my new role I wish to reach out to all nurses and AHPs who have a passion for improving care for older people and promote the benefits of being part of the BGS. It’s fantastic to have representation from Scotland and I’m looking forward to supporting Dr Esther Clift as Chair.

Chair of the BGS Trainees Council: Dr Sangam Malani

About Sangam
I am currently an ST4 Specialty Registrar in Elderly Medicine at Northwick Park Hospital.
Main priority as Chair of the BGS Trainees Council
One of the main reasons I joined the BGS family is to advocate for colleagues and patients alike, which will remain a priority for me throughout my term. I hope to positively contribute to shaping the future of care of older people in the UK whilst also creating a stronger link with the trainees, so that as their Chair, I can deliver not on what I want but what they want.
How can members get involved?
At BGS, there is something for everyone, but one fantastic way everyone, even non-members, can get involved is via the Forum. Over time, I hope that the platform will grow to reflect the vibrant, helpful, and incredible community that we are!

Chair of BGS Scotland: Rowan Wallace

About Rowan
I’m a Consultant Geriatrician at University Hospital Crosshouse, NHS Ayrshire and Arran. I’m also Clinical Lead for Frailty and Co-ordinated Care. I have a keen interest in contributing to, and bettering the care of older and frail people as close to their home as possible. My main base at present is within the front door Combined Assessment Unit leading our multi-disciplinary Frailty Team. I will be contributing my skills to our Hospital at Home service which we have piloted and will launch in 2022. My other interest is in peri-operative medicine. Together with our anaesthetic peri-operative lead, we have built a new service targeting comprehensive geriatric assessment to older people living with frailty who are in need of a an elective surgical procedure. It’s early days for us and a growing service. We are hopeful to demonstrate improved outcomes, but more importantly, how realistic medicine principles and having the patient voice front and centre can improve the journeys through complex care for our Ayrshire people.
Main priority as Chair of the BGS Scotland
The BGS in Scotland needs to hear the voices of those who can advocate for better care of our older people. As we see further integration between primary and secondary care, community and acute, and importantly, social care both at home and in care homes, it’s important we aim to include as many keen individuals as we can.
How can members get involved?
Our Scotland Council aims to represent all of our multi-disciplinary colleagues. We would love to hear from you. You can reach me on Twitter @rowan_wallace

BGS Vice President for Workforce: Dr Amit Arora

About Amit
I am the new BGS Vice President for Workforce. I am also a Consultant and an Associate Medical Director in the Midlands, and also a Regional Clinical Director with ECIST- NHS England/Improvement.
Main priorities as Vice President for Workforce 
My main priority is to support and develop the diverse multidisciplinary workforce to support further improvements in care of older people. I intend to look inwards, outwards and upwards, influencing national policy and direction to achieve this.
How can members get involved?
I am looking for any offers of support, ideas and actions and invites the members to join the forthcoming workforce sub group to take the workforce agenda forward. If interested members can get directly in touch with me at amit.arora@uhnm.nhs.uk, or via Mark Stewart at m.stewart@bgs.org.uk

With special thanks

We also thank all our outgoing officers demitting from their posts for their service to BGS and achievements in contributing to the Society’s goals:

  • Dr David Attwood as Honorary Secretary

  • Lucy Lewis as Chair of the Nurses and AHPs Council

  • Frazer Underwood as Deputy Chair of the Nurses and AHPs Council

  • Dr Carly Welch as Chair of the Trainees Council

  • Dr Claire Copeland as Vice President for Workforce

  • Dr Alan McKenzie as Chair of BGS Scotland