Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation discussions in patients with frailty undergoing Surgery

Poster ID
Authors' names
H.Petho, L.Kitchen, P.Rawson, Z. Mohammad
Author's provenances
King’s College Hospital, London


AimsTo reduce the burden of inappropriate CPR with surgical specialties and to improve the conversations we are having with patient’s and their relatives around CPR.

Methods Data collection was done one one day in March, June and September 2024 across three surgical wards. Patients were included over the age of 65 and with a Rockwood Clinical frailty score over 5. A retrospective review of whether discussions with patient and/or next of kin was done. Below is the table demographics.

Results Following teaching intervention to junior doctors and discussion with geriatric medicine surgical liaison services there was an improvement in the number of patients who had resuscitation decisions (wither FOR or DNACPR) on their medical records.This is reflected in the number of patients having no DNACPR recommendation on the patient notes going from 47% to 8%.

Summary Through education and improving awareness around the importance of DNACPR discussions we have seen am improvement in the number of surgical patients who are living with frailty having a recommendation around CPR in their medical notes
