Introduction: Ischaemic stroke has a poor prognosis, and hemorrhagic transformation after intravenous thrombolysis may increase morbidity and mortality in these patients. Methods: By means of a retrospective analysis, related risk factors were recruited for the analyses, including: smoking, alcohol, hyperlipidemia, and diabetes, among others. The statistical analysis was performed by ANOVA for quantitative variables and the Chi-square test for qualitative variables. Results: The study was carried out on 52 patients with acute ischaemic stroke treated with recombinant tissue-type plasminogen activator (rt-PA) within 4.5 hours after symptom onset. Results showed that factors like age ≥70, smoking, atrial fibrillation, NIHSS score before thrombolysis ≥20 and systolic pressure on admission and at 2h after thrombolysis of ≥160mmHg, increased the risk of hemorrhagic transformation after rt-PA administration. Conclusions: Haemorrhagic transformation after thrombolysis is a complication of acute ischaemic stroke. However, a better characterization of Latin American patients will allow us to direct population strategies in these cohorts in a more individualised way, considering that the predictive factors of this event are not entirely clear in different population groups. The aim is to encourage the development of studies of this type in our latitudes in order to reduce the morbimortality of these patients and stratify them appropriately based on their characteristics.