IMPORTANT: In April 2022, the Community Geriatrics SIG will be merging with the GeriGPs Group to form a new Community and Primary Care Group. Please click here for more information.


Community Geriatrics deals with frailty and the management of long-term conditions. It forms an important element of the healthcare for older people with frailty. Its emphasis is on ensuring that older people with complex health problems receive expert care within the community, whether at home or in a care home. Community Geriatrics is also concerned with interface geriatrics, i.e. the interface between primary and acute phases of the patient's journey. Community geriatricians often support community-based multi-disciplinary teams and intermediate care services.


The Community Geriatrics Special Interest Group (formerly the Primary and Continuing Care SIG) welcomes as members general practitioners, geriatricians, nurses and therapists. Membership of the Society, while strongly encouraged, is not obligatory.

Much of the Society's dignity campaigns are done under the auspices of this SIG.