Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment- Gastro Pilot Clinic

Poster ID
Authors' names
Mariya Farooq
Author's provenances
East Sussex Healthcare Trust


There is a 35-week waiting time to be seen in a gastroenterology clinic for investigations such as UGI endoscopy and colonoscopy for a condition such as low Hb, weight loss, dysphagia and so on. Most of the time without adequate initial workup and ruling out iron-deficient anaemia and differentials as per the British Gastroenterology Society. The hospital is witnessing an exponential influx of patients, reflecting in long waiting times to accommodate clinic patients.


The current established low Hb referral pathway via GP to gastroenterologists does not consider the co-morbidities and frailty. Hence the main aim of the pilot project is to create parameters and filter patients who are 75 and above with co-morbidities and 85 and above, who would benefit from a comprehensive review, whose outcome might involve invasive gastroenterology investigation. The patients will be able to address their GI problems and other concerns where a Geriatrician will provide the expertise in a personalised care plan.  The Gastroenterology triaging secretaries will filter the suitable patients based on established parameters following referred to an Elderly Care consultant in comprehensive assessment clinics. In the clinic, the patient will have a thorough workup for causes of low Hb or GI causes, assess the level of frailty, and discuss with the patient if they want to go for invasive investigations or manage their condition conservatively. The project will provide holistic, patient-centred care and prevent delays in care plans.


Furthermore, help conserve endoscopy resources where the patient chooses not to have further invasive procedures—resulting in overall patient satisfaction.
