Creating a service with no money: Ours POPS journey.

Poster ID
Authors' names
E Hadley1; E Ray-Chaudhuri1; S Mee1, H Wilson1; L Mazin1
Author's provenances
1. Dept of Elderly Care, Royal Surrey Foundation Trust


There is unequivocal evidence to support Perioperative care for the Older Person Undergoing Surgery (POPS) services. However, POPS services are not available in all Trusts offering surgery, including Royal Surrey Foundation Trust (RSFT). The necessity for POPS services will continue to grow with increasing numbers of older people undergoing elective and emergency surgery due to: changing demographics, surgical and anaesthetic advancements, shifts in culture and patients’ expectation of healthcare (1). A RSFT POPS steering group was convened to explore the current orthopaedic elective pathway, the what-why-how of implementing a POPS service and ultimately write a business case to submit to the board to request funding for a formal POPS service. Unfortunately, ahead of submitting we were informed a business case would unlikely secure funding due to the current financial climate. To continue to evidence the need for this service, over the course of a year, Geriatricians used their Supporting Professional Activities (SPA) time to provide informal POPS Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment (CGA) reviews to patients aged ≥65 with a CFS ≥5 on the elective waiting list for knee/hip operations. The average age of patients seen was 82 years (range 67-92). The average Clinical Frailty Score calculated was 7 (range 4-7) with the average number of frailty markers identified being 4 (range 1-7). Following CGA, 75% of patients decided not to proceed with operative management. 88% either initiated or completed a Recommended Summary Plan for Emergency Care and Treatment (ReSPECT). We now have both local and national data to support the need for a POPS service at RSFT. When financial support is not available to invest in and develop new services, alternate methods such as staff re-distribution can be considered with the aim of both providing a service as well as collating invaluable evidence to support a business case and secure funding.