Dr Rebecca Talbot

Education and Training Representative

I’m an ST5 Geriatric Medicine trainee based in East Sussex. I grew up in Norfolk, graduated from Nottingham University in 2014 and then completed foundation training in Bournemouth. Following this I undertook an ‘F3’ with 3 months as an expedition medic for a marine conservation company in Belize and then an ‘F4’ in Queensland, Australia. I then completed ‘Core Medical Training’ in Brighton and before starting training I worked as a ‘Leadership and Education Fellow’ at East Surrey Hospital, achieving a PGCert in Healthcare Leadership and Commissioning, and then as an Elderly Care Clinical Fellow in Brighton.

Outside of work I like being at the beach, cooking or attempting to learn a new craft (my latest is macrame).

Reason for joining the BGS Trainee’s Council:

I’m very excited to join the BGS council and, alongside the other Education and Training Reps Anirudh Kumar and Grace Pearson, provide a voice for trainees in the way Geriatric Medicine training and education is shaped and delivered. As someone who hasn’t had a direct route into specialty training, I am aware of the difficulties faced by trainees and those not in training. I hope to feedback on the new curriculum introduced in 2022 and in the future, I would like to see learning across deaneries shared and transparent.


BGS Education and Training Committee

Specialist Advisory Committee at the Joint Royal Colleges of Physicians Training Board (JRCPTB)

National trainees’ council meetings

Why trainees should get involved with the committee:

It’s a fantastic opportunity to see how decisions are made at a national leadership level and how the BGS works with other organisations to influence the future of Geriatric Medicine. Everyone is friendly and welcoming and it’s great to be part of something where we are all focused on the same goal of improving care for older people.

Term of Office: 2 years

Current location: ST5 Kent, Surrey, Sussex Deanery

E-mail/twitter etc: @talbot_becky trainees@bgs.org.uk