Introduction :
This study demonstrates how a network of geriatric medicine trainee representatives was established across the UK. The intention of the network was threefold: accurately represent the interests of trainees by gathering national feedback, develop a job description of deanery trainee representatives and create a community of practice between representatives.
Deanery trainee representatives were identified through TPDs then contacted to participate in an online questionnaire which also consented for whatsapp group invitation.
Deanery representatives were identified for 12 out of 13 deaneries, the final post was vacant. The survey response rate was 83% and all respondents gave permission to be added to the whatsapp group. We gathered information regarding eligibility, appointment and the role of deanery trainee representatives. Most deaneries (73%) do not require representatives to be a minimum grade whereas 27% required representatives to be ST4 or above. Over half (55%) were appointed following an expression of interest without an election, 27% required an election and 9% were approach and appointed directly either by the TPD or current representative. Once appointed 82% had no fixed term whilst 18% would have a term limited to two years. Once appointed the role entails an invitation to the local higher specialty training committee for 73% of respondents and 73% also reported a role in organising regional training.
Conclusions :
The aim of this project to create a network between deanery representatives has been achieved and produced an engaged network of representatives facilitating accurate representation of trainees at a national level. Further applications include collaboration between trainees to share training practices. In a period of training recovery following the Covid-19 pandemic and a new geriatric medicine curriculum a community of practice between trainee representatives has enormous potential to improve training quality and experiences for geriatric medicine trainees in the UK.