Impact of isolation of Covid-positive patients presenting cognitive disorders in acute Geriatric units.

Poster ID
Authors' names
Sandra Higuet1; Enrique Shils2,
Author's provenances
Geriatric Department ,1Centre Hospitalier Nivelles, 2Hopital Tivoli, Belgium



As we face a 7th wave of Covid in our geriatric wards, we as caregivers are exhausted and find it increasingly difficult to repeat these isolation measures again and again. We are aware of the importance of avoiding clusters but it is mostly the elderly who are positive for Sars-Cov-2 and hospitalised. Fortunately the virus no longer kills, but nevertheless has enormous deleterious consequences on the mental health of our elderly.


To expose the practical consequences of clinical cases experienced during these successive waves of Sars-Cov-2 and make a review of the literature concerning this theme.


The patients with moderate to severe cognitive disorders almost all presented a confused state and lost autonomy during their period of isolation. After more than 2 years, it can be stated that these patients really suffered from this quarantine for sometimes 14 days or more. Behavioural disorders increased, patients who were paranoid increased their disorders The families also suffered as well as the geriatric carers who had all the difficulties to take care of these patients in a global way with all the paramedics and stimulations that we usually bring them.


The consequences of this forced isolation, whether in hospital in an acute unit, at home or in a nursing home, has had and will have serious consequences on the mental well-being of our seniors. If we "have to live with these successive mutations", should we not think about not isolating our elderly patients in such a deleterious way? Ethical considerations must be analysed as much as public Health. We must also be careful not to increase "ageism" in this period of pandemic.

References R.Manca et al,Front.Psychiatry,2020,D.Piette et al, Louvain Medical ,2021,B.Meisner et al,Canadian Journal on Aging,2020