Improving Streaming of Older Frail Adults from the Emergency Department to a Frailty Unit

Poster ID
Authors' names
Annette Connolly, Rebecca Oates
Author's provenances
Complex Care, Royal Bolton Hospital



It is well recognized frailty is increasing amongst the population and can impact on outcomes for patients when admitted to hospital.  Frail older adults are more vulnerable to developing complications form continued hospital admissions. National recommendations by GIRFT indicate CFS scores ought to be documented in the Emergency Department (ED) to facilitate early recognition of frailty and stream patient to the appropriate pathway and clinician. The aim of this is to ensure the correct Clinician reviews the frailer adult in the most appropriate setting and thereby reduce risk of deterioration and patient harm.  In October 2022. Bolton NHS Trust created a dedicated frailty unit staffed by Geriatricians for older frail adults.  Therefore, a method of identifying and streaming frailer older adults is crucial to effectiveness of the unit. This was embedded into Electronic Patient Record (EPR) system.


PDSA cycles were implemented. A retrospective audit was performed prior to the implementation of the CFS documentation.

A robust education programme was introduced to all clinical staff in the Emergency Department. Online modules were also available. A second audit as part of PDSA cycle was then performed to assess the intervention.


Pre-intervention and EPR documentation tool only 11% of patients had CFS score. Following the intervention, 88% of medical staff included the CFS score in their assessment prior to a Frailty team referral and review. The frailty team have observed an increase in referrals.


Early recognition and documentation has enabled improved streaming and review of the correct patients to the frailty unit.  This has enabled Gold Standard of Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment for frailer adults to be completed.  Further PDSA cycles to the effectiveness of the unit are ongoing. Initial data indicates with correct identification and recognition of frailty; the average length of stay has reduced.