Over 500,000 fragility fractures occur in the UK each year (1). NICE guidelines state that all women aged ≥65 and all men aged ≥75 should be considered for a fracture risk assessment. It was recognised that locally these guidelines were not being met. The aim of this quality improvement project was to improve the number of patients being assessed for osteoporosis across two medical wards.
This quality improvement project followed two “Plan Do Study Act” (PDSA) cycles. The first cycle involved teaching sessions for junior doctors on using the FRAX tool – a tool recommended by NICE guidelines to estimate 10-year predicted absolute fracture risk. Posters and visual reminders were placed around the wards. The second cycle involved creating a sticker which was placed in patients’ medical records prompting doctors to calculate FRAX scores and document the results. Patients deemed inappropriate for bone protection and patients already receiving bone protection prior to admission were excluded.
A baseline set of data showed that 0% of patients had undergone fracture risk assessment, therefore resulting in no patients being prescribed bone protection or being referred to osteoporosis clinic. Repeat assessment after the first intervention showed 29.7% of patients had undergone fracture risk assessment, 13.5% were prescribed bone protection and 16.2% referred to osteoporosis clinic. After the second intervention, 80% of patients had undergone fracture risk assessment, 10% were prescribed bone protection and 55% referred to osteoporosis clinic.
Use of the FRAX tool was moderately increased by the targeted training of junior doctors and markedly increased by using a visual memorandum in the patient records. This led to an increase in treatment for osteoporosis, reducing patients’ future risk of fragility fractures.
1. National Osteoporosis Society. Susan's story: Osteoporosis 2017. https://www.england.nhs.uk/rightcare/wp-content/uploads/sites/40/2017/02/rightcare-susans-story-full-narrative.pdf