Older people are the largest user group of health and social care services. When services work for older people, they are more likely to work for the rest of the population.
The population of the UK is ageing, with particularly fast growth in the oldest old age groups – by 2045, the number of people aged 85 and above will have almost doubled. It is therefore essential that commissioners place older people and their health and social care needs at the centre of strategic planning and commissioning processes.
This document has been written by Professor Anne Hendry, BGS Honorary Secretary and Honorary Professor at the University of the West of Scotland, alongside an expert working group. Within it, we set out seven system touchpoints and outcomes that should be considered when planning and commissioning health and social care for older people, alongside 12 actions that systems should take to create the conditions for high-quality integrated care for older people.
The blueprint is aimed primarily at system leaders and commissioners of health and social care services for older people. We hope that it will assist these senior decision-makers to understand and implement the core features of age-attuned integrated care for older people.
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With thanks to all the authors and contributors to this document:
With thanks to all the authors and contributors to this document:
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- Professor Anne Hendry, Honorary Secretary, BGS; Honorary Professor, University of the West of Scotland
- Dr Lucy Abbott, Consultant Geriatrician, Frimley Park Hospital
- Jayne Agnew, Pharmacist, Southern Health and Social Care Trust
- Ðula Alićehajić-Bečić, Consultant Pharmacist Frailty, Wrightington, Wigan and Leigh NHS Foundation Trust
- Dr Amit Arora, Vice President Workforce, BGS; Regional Clinical Director, ECIST- NHS England
- Kate Bennett, Clinical Lead Physiotherapist, Solent NHS Trust
- Professor Andy Clegg, Co-Chair, BGS Sarcopenia and Frailty Special Interest Group; Professor of Geriatric Medicine, University of Leeds; Honorary Consultant Geriatrician, Bradford Royal Infirmary
- Dr Esther Clift, Chair, BGS Nurse and AHP Council; Professional Adviser, NHS England & Improvement; ConsultantPractitioner in Frailty, Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust
- Professor Jugdeep Dhesi, President Elect, BGS; Consultant Geriatrician, Guy’s and St Thomas’s NHS Foundation Trust; Honorary Professor Geriatric Medicine, King’s College London; Deputy Director, Centre for Perioperative Care; Clinical Lead, NHS Elect POPS network
- Dr Tom Downes, Vice President Clinical Quality, BGS; Consultant Geriatrician and Clinical Lead for Quality Improvement, Sheffield Teaching Hospitals
- Dr Prem Fade, Co-chair, BGS End of Life Care Special Interest Group; Consultant Physician/Geriatrician, Lymington New Forest Hospital
- Dr Deb Gompertz, Clinical Lead Complex Care South Somerset
- Professor Adam Gordon, President, BGS; Professor of Care of Older People, University of Nottingham; Consultant Geriatrician, University Hospitals of Derby and Burton NHS Foundation Trust
- Sally Greenbrook, Policy Manager, BGS
- Dr Ruth Law, Deputy Honorary Secretary, BGS; Consultant in Integrated Geriatric Medicine and Clinical Lead for Care of Older People, Whittington Hospital
- Lucy Lewis, Consultant Practitioner, NHS@Home, Wiltshire Health and Care
- Sarah Mistry, Chief Executive, BGS
- Dr Lara Mitchell, Consultant Physician Older People’s services QEUH, South Sector, NHSGGC; National Clinical Lead Frailty, Healthcare Improvement Scotland
- Professor Caroline Nicholson, Co-chair, BGS End of Life Care Special Interest Group; Professor of Palliative Care and Ageing; HEE/NIHR Senior Clinical Lecturer; Honorary Nurse Consultant St Christopher’s Hospice
- Dr Marianne Plater, Community Geriatrician, Lymington New Forest Hospital
- Dr Mark Roberts, Consultant Geriatrician, Western Health and Social Care Trust
- Dr Jane Youde, Consultant Geriatrician, Derby Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust; Clinical Director of Audit and Accreditation, RCP London