Making Frailty Practice Robust – Using e-Learning to Facilitate Frailty Education

Poster ID
Abstract 2239
Authors' names
W McKeown1; K Bhatt2; G Collingridge3; C Gyimah4
Author's provenances
ST7 Registrar – Ulster Hospital Dundonald Frailty GP and Frailty Virtual Ward Clinical Lead – Torbay and South Devon NHS Foundation Trust Director of Learning and Professional Development – British Geriatric Society; Pharmacist Delivery and Policy Lead, C



Frailty is a condition with increasing prevalence in the UK and significantly impacts the lives of those affected and their families. Frailty is a condition best managed by teams of skilled multi-disciplinary health and social care professionals (HSCPs). It is therefore essential that all HSCPs working with older people living with frailty are equipped with the appropriate knowledge and attitudes to look after affected persons.


The British Geriatric Society (BGS) and NHS England (NHSE) collaborated to produce an online e-learning module to support HSCPs to provide frailty care in complex situations and lead frailty services. This module was developed in line with the NHS Skills for Health Frailty framework of core capabilities at the tier 3 level. The e-learning module was launched in October 2023 and contained 4 modules: Understanding and Communicating Frailty, Identifying Frailty, Supporting People Living with Frailty and Building Systems Fit for Frailty. This module was made available for free to BGS members.


Between October 2023 and January 2023, over 4000 HSCPs registered for the online module. A wide ranges of HSCPs signed up for the module with nursing staff, advanced clinical practitioners, consultant geriatricians and physiotherapists the most commonly represented groups. 92% of those who completed the module agreed or strongly agreed that the course helped develop knowledge, understanding and confidence in frailty. 91% of those who completed the module said completion of the course would help them to further improve patient care and clinical practice. Areas identified to enhance the module further included addition of further case studies and making the resource more adaptable to all UK regions.


e-Learning can be an effective facilitator of frailty education for a wide range of HSCPs.