Good practice guide
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NICE: Intermediate care including reablement

Published date
Last updated

Healthcare professionals in hospitals or the community who are assessing people for intermediate care should have a discussion, provide information and ensure that the person (and their family and carers, as appropriate) understand what intermediate care is and what it can and cannot achieve. This will ensure that people are involved in making decisions about their care and encouraged to engage with the rehabilitation process. It will also enable them to consider any further support they may need in addition to intermediate care.

This quality standard is expected to contribute to improvements in the following outcomes:

  • health-related quality of life
  • social care-related quality of life
  • carer quality of life
  • independence, choice and control over daily life
  • length of hospital stay
  • delayed transfer of care from hospital
  • hospital readmissions
  • admissions to residential care.
  • It is also expected to support delivery of the Department of Health and Social Care outcome frameworks