Optimising Blood Glucose Monitoring in Older Inpatients with Diabetes

Poster ID
Authors' names
Dr H Mark, Dr K Thackray, Dr J Cheung, Dr R DeSilva
Author's provenances
Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital



16% of adults over the age of 75 years old have a diabetes diagnosis1 and 1 in 6 hospital beds in the UK is occupied by someone with diabetes2. Keeping diabetic patients safe during hospital stays is a priority, and in 2023 the Joint British Diabetes Societies (JBDS-IP) published guidance on managing Diabetes in Frail inpatients3. An audit at our hospital later that year found that 70% of Capillary Blood Glucose (CBG) testing was non-compliant with guidelines resulting in unnecessary patient intervention, use of staff time and consumption of non-recyclable resources. The main aim of our project was to improve compliance with these guidelines and establish potential time and cost saving resulting from this.


Focus on medical education with teaching sessions, information cards for lanyards and prompt posters around the inpatient ward areas. Worked with electronic prescribing team to establish use of an order-set for CBG testing to allow medical team to accurately communicate with nursing colleagues.  In addition, engaged nursing staff via ward bulletins and observed CBG testing on ward.  


There was a reduction in CBG frequency for all diabetic patients of 27.9%. We identified that those patients with diet-controlled diabetes were commonly over tested, and in this sub-group the number of CBG tests performed was reduced by 51.9%. Average time for CBG testing was 147 seconds with anticipated cost savings from staff time and equipment use.


The use of default four times a day CBG testing results in unnecessary intervention in our frail inpatients. Through education and use of electronic systems we can reduce these interventions based on national guidelines, but more work needs to be done. Reducing CBG testing reduces use of healthcare assistant time, costly non-recyclable materials and overall reduces unnecessary patient intervention.


  1. NHS England (2023) Health Survey for England, 2021 Part 2 < https://digital.nhs.uk/data-and-information/publications/statistical/health-survey-for-england/2021-part-2/adult-health-diabetes#:~:text=Prevalence%20of%20doctor%2Ddiagnosed%20diabetes%2C%20by%20age%20and%20sex&text=Prevalence%20increased%20with%20age%2C%20from,adults%20aged%2075%20and%20over.> Accessed 8/11/24
  2. Watts.E, Rayman. G (2018) Diabetes UK: Making Hospitals safe for people with diabetes. Available at < https://www.diabetes.org.uk/resources-s3/2018-12/Making%20Hospitals%20safe%20for%20people%20with%20diabetes_FINAL%20%28002%29.pd> Accessed 24/07/2024
  3. JPDS-IP 2023: Inpatient care of the Frail Older Adult with Diabetes. Available at <JBDS_15_Inpatient_Care_of_the Frail_Older_Adult_with_Diabetes_with_QR_code_February_2023.pdf (abcd.care)>
