50% off BGS membership for 2020

New or lapsed BGS members can now enjoy 50% off membership rates for 2020.

This represents a saving of up to £97.50 for a Consultant, and means that Nurses and AHPs can join the BGS for as little as £21.25.

BGS members enjoy a range of great benefits, including reduced attendance fees for BGS events, access to the BGS Members Directory, eligibility to apply for BGS awards and grants as well as our Age and Ageing journal and BGS Newsletter.

The reason for this change is that the BGS Trustee Board, ratified by the membership via the Annual General Meeting, proposed in 2019 that membership fees should be adjusted proportionately for those joining more than halfway through the year.

Therefore, membership fees for those joining or renewing in the period July through to December are reduced by 50%.

Membership will still lapse on the 31 December and will need to be renewed from January to avoid interruption.

Click here to join the BGS at the reduced rate now.