Announcing ‘Emergence’ Volume 2

Christmas 2020 saw the publication of ‘Emergence’ – an anthology of poetry and prose to celebrate older people and ageing, with pieces chosen and introduced by members of the Irish Gerontological Society.

Plans are now well underway for ‘Emergence 2’ which will be published later this year (and make an ideal Christmas gift). The editorial team are also pleased to announce that submissions for the second volume are invited from British Geriatrics Society members of any discipline or grade, as well as those in the IGS.

The book will honour the wisdom and resilience of ageing, and be a showcase of the very best literature on the subject. The project is not for profit, and both the BGS and IGS will help to distribute the proceeds – volume 1 raised €10,000 for age-related charities.

More information on how to submit a piece can be found here: Emergence Anthology.

Closing date for submissions is Friday 14 May 2021.