The Beneficial Changes Network has put out a call for examples of transformation, innovation and improvement across health and social care in England.
In the first year, thousands of frontline stakeholders and partners across health and care harvested their incredible innovative and collaborative initiatives to share learning.
The Network has used examples of innovation from frontline teams, the voluntary care sector, and across the wider NHS and beyond to:
- Influence Up through national policy and strategy
- Build a shared platform by creating a community of practice to enable sharing and learning and adoption and spread
- Support system development through what to take forward as new ways of working in the Integrated Care Systems
- Partner together across health and care by enabling collaboration with all
- Support innovation by building a movement and empowering teams
- Distil the high impact changes through evaluation in partnership with national programmes
This is part of an annual cycle which allows for further submission of frontline innovation or improvement.
This round of submissions is not specific to changes which occurred during the pandemic, rather a general invitation for submissions in terms of transformation, innovation or improvement in care and in the delivery of care services.
Please submit your examples here by Friday 22 October.
We know that BGS members have been inventive and innovative in the ways they have adapted services and ways of working during the pandemic and beyond, realising improvements in older people’s care.
It would be excellent if we could inundate the Beneficial Changes Network with case studies and illustrations that have made a real difference to older people, whether it’s imaginative use of existing workforce, service redesign or practical solutions to problems.
We previously highlighted examples of members' innovations and improvements in our July 2020 publication Beneficial Innovations from COVID-19.
We would strongly encourage members to send a copy of their submission to BGS at, as we would be very keen to showcase your work and publish your examples on our website. We always like to hear about excellent examples of innovation and best practice to share in our publications and at national meetings.