BGS announces next Deputy Honorary Secretary

The BGS has confirmed Professor Anne Hendry as its next Deputy Honorary Secretary.

Based in Scotland, Professor Anne Hendry is currently a Senior Associate for the International Foundation for Integrated Care and is involved in the European Joint Action on Frailty.

Her previous experience also includes roles in national clinical lead, policy advisory and improvement positions for older people, long term conditions, healthcare quality and integrated care.

The Deputy Honorary Secretary supports the Honorary Secretary and assumes the Honorary Secretary position themselves after two years. The Honorary Secretary is one of the BGS’s most senior roles, serving as a member of the BGS Trustee Board and a director of the wholly-owned trading arm of BGS.

Professor Hendry will officially succeed the incumbent Deputy Honorary Secretary, Dr David Atwood, at the BGS AGM on 8 November. Dr Attwood will in turn succeed Dr Frazer Anderson as Honorary Secretary. Each term lasts two years.

During August and September, BGS members voted for three candidates through the BGS website using the single transferable vote system, with Professor Hendry winning almost 60% of votes in the second round.

Speaking of her appointment, Professor Hendry said: "I am delighted to be joining the BGS team at an important time for our Society.

"I look forward to meeting our Trustees and the many dedicated members who lead our vibrant committees.

"I have a lot to learn - but am excited about working together to improve healthcare and make a real difference to the lives of older people."