The BGS is supporting a new campaign launched by the NHS Confederation, #NotTooMuchToMask. The campaign promotes informed personal choice now that restrictions, including wearing masks in enclosed public places, have been lifted. Informed decision-making will be crucial as ‘choice’ replaces Government guidance. The public will now be making decisions, not just for themselves but also for more vulnerable members of society and for the healthcare professionals who care for them. This campaign provides an important reminder to the general population that protecting themselves will also help to protect others and the NHS.
As reported widely by the media, COVID-19 infection rates and hospitalisations in England continue to rise and independent experts have warned that we can expect this trend to continue over summer. This is particularly concerning for many older people, especially those living with frailty or other long-term conditions. At this critical time, helping the general public to show caution is an important step in protecting older people and supporting the healthcare professionals who care for them.
President of the British Geriatrics Society, Dr Jennifer Burns, commented:
Older people are among those who have been most affected by the Covid pandemic. We know that many are fearful of what the coming months will bring, as restrictions are eased. BGS members, who are professionals working in older people’s healthcare in hospitals and community settings across the UK, support the practical ways advocated in this campaign that enable people to show their consideration for others. It is through a combination of measures, including mask-wearing, ventilation of rooms, good hygiene and vaccinations, that the risk of further Covid transmission will be reduced. We support this campaign to encourage us all to behave in ways that will protect older people and the NHS workforce from the avoidable burdens of COVID-19.”
We can all help to stop the spread of the virus and reduce the risk of illness. After all, it’s #NotTooMuchToMask. Find out more about the campaign here.