The Stroke Association are inviting applications for their Project Grant Awards 2019-20.
The purpose of the proposed research project must fit within the scope of the Stroke Association's 2019-2024 Research Strategy.
The Stroke Association’s strategy is to support research that will achieve the greatest impact for everyone with stroke and to improve life after stroke. It will fund applied and clinical research and continue our focus into rehabilitation and acute research.
This includes research into the following parts of the stroke care pathway: pre-hospital, acute, rehabilitation and long term, end of life and secondary prevention.
For this Project Grant call, the Stroke Association are particularly interested in receiving research applications in the areas of fatigue and stroke carers. It will focus some investment into these areas of unmet need, which are underfunded and currently take a heavy toll on people affected by stroke. For further information and to address these issues in your application, please see the fatigue and carers highlight notices.
The Stroke Association welcomes two types of research proposal in this call:
- Clinical Trial Project Grants: Project grant applications incorporating a randomised controlled trial or other clinical trial of a device or an intervention.
- Developmental Research Project Grants: Project grant applications that are focused on areas which do not incorporate randomised controlled or other types of clinical trials.
Award amount: up to £250,000 over a period of up to 3 years
Deadline for applications: 5pm on 4 February 2020
Please see the Stroke Association website for more information:…
If you have any questions, please email the Stroke Association Research Team at