Posters for 2023 G 4 Everyone

My posters
Displaying 1 - 4 of 4
Authors' names
Paxton J1; Purdie C1; Blues K1; Ryan C1
Abstract content

Introduction The patients most often admitted with a hip fracture are older adults, many of whom are frail. The Scottish Hip Fracture Standards recommend that all patients have fluid assessment and are mobilised by the end of day 1 post operatively. We set out to look to see which patients are most at risk of acute kidney injury (AKI) and orthostatic hypotension (OH) post operatively and whether this was linked to the prescription of iv fluids (IVF). Method All online notes of patients admitted with a hip fracture in the months of July and November 2022 were reviewed. Notes were reviewed for

Authors' names
Dr Glenda Xu1 (FY2), Dr Pavithra Indramohan1 (Consultant)
Abstract content

Introduction Treating hypertension in older patients (>65y) remains controversial given limited evidence around optimising blood pressure in frailty. Although studies suggest improved cardiovascular benefit, NICE guidelines emphasise the need for careful clinical decisions to balance benefits and risks. This local audit assessed the appropriateness of antihypertensive regimens prescribed for older patients against NICE guidelines and STOPP/START criteria. Secondary aims assessed admissions related to antihypertensive medication, polypharmacy reviews during inpatient stays, and management of

Authors' names
Anna Stoate, Linn Oo
Abstract content

Introduction In the United Kingdom an average of 65,000 patients attend hospital with hip fractures each year, with 87% of these patients over the age of 70. Effective pain management is associated with significantly improved outcomes. Pain is known to be a significant trigger for delirium which itself greatly increases 1 year mortality and morbidity. Given the magnitude of the issue, this audit aimed to assess the effectiveness of an intervention in relation to the NICE National Standards for Neck of Femur (NOF) fractures at Weston General Hospital. Methods Data sets were collected from NOF

Authors' names
Grace Fisher (1), Sarah True (2)
Abstract content

Introduction Despite the UK’s increasing life expectancy, and increase in the elderly population, there is an overwhelming lack of Geriatricians in the UK; as of 2022, there is only 1 consultant Geriatrician per 8,031 individuals over the age of 65 (BGS, 2023). To meet the complex care needs of this population, there must be a focus on increasing the interest that doctors have towards Geriatric Medicine, with the overall aim being to recruit more doctors into the speciality. Method The aim of this review was to investigate what factors medical students perceive as barriers to pursuing a career