Prevalence of Anticholinergic Burden across a cohort of frail older adults in a District General Hospital in South West Wales

Poster ID
Authors' names
Dr Ansh Agarwal; Dr Zena Marney
Author's provenances
Department of Elderly Care, Prince Philip Hopsital


Background and Objectives: Polypharmacy is common in frail older adults who often live with multiple co-morbidities. This polypharmacy can carry a significant anticholinergic burden. Frail older adults are particularly sensitive to the anticholinergic side effects of medications which can include constipation, urinary retention and dry mouth. Medications with a high anticholinergic burden scores have also been evidenced to contribute to an increased frequency of falls, cognitive decline and increased mortality. For frail older adults, a medication review, considering anticholinergic burden, is therefore an essential part of Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment. A local frailty census was completed for all medical inpatients over the age of 65 years old and as part of this anticholinergic burden scores were collated.

Materials and Methods: As part of this whole hospital frailty census, an anticholinergic burden score (ACB) was calculated for 77 inpatients. This was calculated using the Anticholinergic Cognitive Burden Scales and Anticholinergic Burden scores.

Results: The average age of the patients was 80.19 (± 9.35). 80.01% of patients were taking one or more medications with an anticholinergic burden. Of those, 40.25% had a significant ACB score of 3 or more (3-8). The patients with the highest ACB scores were those with multi-morbidity, an already established diagnosis of dementia and patients with recurrent falls.

Conclusions: The ACB score for patients included within this frailty census appeared to correlate with certain co-morbidities as would be expected from the known complications associated with these medications in frail older adults. The proportion of our inpatients with a significant ACB score informs us that we need to develop a more robust approach to delivering polypharmacy reviews as part of Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment within our hospital and will help us to inform future service planning and delivery.