Qualitative assessment of introducing bone health assessment for Parkinson’s disease patients in a University Hospital Setting.

Poster ID
Authors' names
Fiona Challoner; Cindy Cox; Gaynor Richards; Khaled Amar; Divya Tiwari
Author's provenances
University Hospitals Dorset NHS Foundation Trust and Bournemouth University



Parkinson’s disease (PD) patients with or without psychosis are at higher risk of recurrent falls and fracture and as a consequence higher mortality and morbidity NICE (13) Henderson et al. (2019). We conducted a qualitative study to understand barriers and facilitators of introducing ‘bone health assessment’ for PD patients.


We conducted a pilot study to identify and implement a bone health assessment tool to communicate falls and fracture risks to GPs. • SWOT and Stakeholder analysis was conducted to identify an appropriate bone health assessment tool . • PDSA cycles were completed to assess barriers and facilitators of bone health assessment in all PD clinical areas. • 4 Participants were identified from all possible PD clinical settings and trained on how to use the FRAX assessment tool. • Semi structured interviews were conducted to explore themes from 6 week pilot study.


Bone health assessments were not conducted routinely in PD clinical settings in our Trust Literature review/ SWOT and Stake holder analysis identified ‘FRAX’ score as an appropriate bone health assessment tool for PD patients. Interviews with participants identified time constraints during the clinical consultation as a major barrier to conducting bone health assessment using the FRAX assessment tool. All participants agreed that this improved communication with patients and GPs in understanding bone health and risk of falls and fractures. Face to face PD Nurse Clinics were deemed the most appropriate clinical settings for these assessments.


As a result of this service improvement project bone health is now assessed in all PD Nurse clinics. This has enabled GPs to start the most appropriate bone protection treatment for PD patients
