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RCP Falls and Fragility Audit Programme (FFFAP) patient resources

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The Royal College of Physicians Falls and Fragility Fracture Audit Programme (FFFAP) has developed a series of patient and public centred resources to support better care.

My hip fracture care: 12 questions to ask

A guide for patients, their families and carers who have fractured their hip to understand their inpatient stay based on 12 key questions about their hospital care.

Click here to view or download from the RCP website

Strong bones after 50

A jargon-free resource describing effective secondary prevention for future fractures. It details the role of Fracture Liaison Services.

Click here to view or download from the RCP website

Falls prevention in hospital: a guide for patients, their families and carers

A guide for patients to help them understand what they can do and steps that can be taken to prevent them falling in hospital.

Click here to view or download from the RCP website