Realistic Medicine: Frail Older Patients’ Perceptions of Shared Decision Making around Surgery

Poster ID
Authors' names
K Howe1 ; POPS Nurse Practitioner Team2 ; HE Jones2 ; C Quinn2; S Keir1.
Author's provenances
1 Realistic Medicine, NHS Lothian 2 Medicine of the Elderly, Western General Hospital, Edinburgh



Shared decision making (SDM) is a vital element in ensuring a more personalised approach to care.  The Peri-operative Care of Older People in Surgery (POPS) Team adopts enhanced SDM in frail patients referred for elective urological or colorectal surgery using the BRAN (benefits, risks, alternatives, nothing) approach. In frail populations, there is a complex balance between providing appropriate access to surgery and minimising exposure to potentially harmful procedures. SDM can help to negotiate this balance. This study aimed to evaluate the patient perception of the SDM process.  



Patients and/or their family proxy attending the POPS clinic between December 2023 – March 2024 were invited to participate in a follow-up telephone interview. The content of the interview was based on the CollaboRATE tool, a quick 3-question, validated questionnaire used for evaluating SDM from the patient’s perspective.  



Overall, 22 out of 29 (76%) consenting patients and/or their proxy were contactable and well enough to participate in the CollaboRATE evaluation.  

All (n=22, 100%) reported that the POPS team had made ‘a lot’ or ’every’ effort in helping them understand their health issues and listening to what mattered most to them. 86% (n=19) thought they had made ‘a lot’ or ‘every’ effort to include what mattered most to them in deciding what to do next. Patients/proxies were also able to add unstructured comments which were also positive: 

 ‘the staff were excellent - my husband transformed in front of my eyes, he was so happy with the decision.’ 



The SDM process within the POPS clinic is highly rated and valued by the patients.  Considering that SDM also reduced the number who opted for surgery by 30% (April – July 2023; 9 out of 30 chose not to have surgery), it can offer added value to the individual and the wider system. 
