Introduction: Our aim is to improve clinical efficiency by reducing avoidable discharge delays, increased number of discharges and availability of specialist Frailty beds. We intend to undertake 8 PDSA cycles with a new idea.
Background: 23 bedded Acute Frailty Short Stay Unit (AFU). Patient group defined as those admitted to the unit from April ’24 to current. Our initial spot-audit analysed 18 patients; the mean total avoidable delay was 31.52 hours (range 4.73- 123.3 hours). Initial analysis demonstrated that delays became longer throughout the course of the day. Methods: We evaluated staff opinions on the discharge process with a survey. Outcome measure identified as number of weekly discharges and appropriate patient flow to the AFU. Balancing measure identified as number of readmissions within 48 hours. PDSA cycle 1 allocated a doctor to write discharge letters during MDT. PDSA cycle 2 allocated a suitcase symbol to a potential discharge in the next 24 hours. We then adapted the suitcase with colours to differentiate between ready and awaiting investigations/ aim home in 24 hours. The next involved allocating a discharge doctor to review patients with an amber suitcase from the previous day first.
Results: Initial staff feedback has been positive. Data demonstrated an increase from the baseline (from below 20 to an average of 25 discharges a week). This then dipped throughout May, during which time there was an unusual level of escalation, staff absences and annual leave. The data has begun to recover to a high of 27 discharges in the week of the start of June.
Conclusions Utilising the MDT has been vital in the sustainability of the project. On-going staff surveys and regular meetings will help to ensure sustainability. Ongoing focus and further cycles are on encouraging junior members of the team to be involved with the intervention.