Related risk factors for the development of dysphagia in geriatric patients in a South American cohort with COVID-19 infection

Poster ID
Authors' names
Ciliberti M1; Blanco C1; Dulcey L1; Theran J2; Caltagirone R3; Gomez J1; Pineda J1; Amaya M1; Quintero A4; Lizcano A1; Gutierrez E1; Estevez M1; Acevedo D1; Castillo1; Vargas J1; Esparza S2; Hernandez C1; Mateus D1; Lara J1; Velasco M1; Rueda N1, Ramos V1
Author's provenances
1.Autonomous University of Bucaramanga, Seedbed of Internal Medicine Colombia. 2. Santander University, Bucaramanga. Colombia. 3. Los Andes University, Merida Venezuela. 4. Metropolitan University of Barranquilla, Colombia



The appearance of dysphagia after intubation in COVID 19 patients is very frequent, however there are few studies carried out in this regard.


Retrospective study of 306 adults infected by SARSCOV2 by antigenic or molecular test. The main objective was to evaluate the risk factors involved in the appearance of dysphagia after intubation.


There was a higher frequency of COVID 19 in the Male gender 78% in relation to the Female 22%, the time of mechanical ventilation greater than 14 days was a factor with a high association, as well as the appearance of pneumonia associated with mechanical ventilation. The occurrence of dysphagia in those over 70 years of age doubles that of those under 60 years of age. The present study showed an adequate correlation between the appearance of dysphagia in relation to age, the time of ventilation and the appearance of pneumonia associated with mechanical ventilation.


The appearance of dysphagia after intubation in patients with COVID 19 is a frequent complication, studies with larger groups of patients are required to be able to validate the results found here and thus be able to have tools that allow us to stratify in a better way. to COVID 19 patients.
