Research Hub: Sharing research

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Once you have completed your research project, the next step is to share your findings with the wider academic community. During this process, your research aims, methodology and findings will be critiqued by fellow researchers and clinicians to ensure they are robust.

Writing your research up into an abstract or scientific paper is the first step to sharing your findings.

This one-hour video introduces both budding and experienced researchers to the concepts of scientific writing. In this interactive workshop, senior academics and academic trainees share their tips and experiences of writing abstracts for presentation and scientific papers for publication. It will be of interest to aspiring researchers from all career stages, but in particular early career researchers. This video was presented as part of the BGS Spring Meeting 2021.

Age and Ageing is the journal of the British Geriatrics Society. It pubishes peer-reviewed original research, review articles and editorial pieces on geriatric medicine and clinical gerontology. The links below provide useful details for preparing a manuscript for Age and Ageing or another academic journal.

Methology resources

The following links provide general information on preparing a manuscript for submission an academic journal such as Age and Ageing:

Age and Ageing submission and review process

One of the BGS’s objectives is to showcase high quality scientific research at its conferences, and the BGS is keen to share good quality research. Authors do not need to be BGS members to submit or present an abstract.

Preparation and submission