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Research resources for early careers researchers

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The British Geriatrics Society supports new/early career investigators in research through a number of opportunities. The aim of this resource is to provide existing and new information in the form of a pathway for investigators to follow and experience the development of their ideas to outputs.

There are many different research methods available, but deciding on the most appropriate one for you can be difficult. Below are some resources to help guide you on research methods available with particular reference to research with older adults, choosing the research method for you and further information on these methods. 

The following links include research methodology courses that run throughout the year. Note: the BGS does not endorse any specific course. 

Following your decision to undertake a research project, logical next step is  to formulate a question. This will involve comprehensive survey of literature specific to the question, chosing theoretical/methodological direction and considering the perspective of older adults . 

When conducting a research project you will need to consider whether or not you need to consult the ethics committee. In some instances, the project may have already been granted ethical approval, in other cases you will need to consider this.

To help determine this there is a decision tool available at the NHS Health Research Authority (HRA) website. If a new ethics application is required, it is important to seek advice from experienced researchers as well as local research support offices such as R&D team. This advice and support should be sought as early as possible in  the process of determining the main research questions and drafting the protocol. Once the main questions and draft protocol been written, the specific application for ethics approval can begin.

Ethics applications are complex and often time-consuming. Ongoing close involvement of both experienced researchers and research support officers will likely greatly cut down on the time required, as well as ensuring that basic mistakes are  avoided. It often takes 6-12 months from starting to write the protocol and achieving full research ethics committee approvals required to start the study. 

Undertaking research projects may require external support to undertake the work proposed. There are a number of research council, NIHR and charitable organisations who provide research project support. This can be either be via a responsive mode (not specified) or call focused (such as care homes patient focused).

It again is extremely useful to  engage with senior colleagues with experience to navigate the process. It is critically important to chose funder and call having read the detailed information provided, especially about eligibility; total available; exclusions; submission deadlines. The benefit of funding can not be underestimated to support the research activity and demonstrate ability in personal portfolios.

Research on the health of older adults should always directly involve them.

The benefits older adults bring to relevant research includes; advice of research questions; protocol development; reviewing proposals; acting on study advisory committees; participating as research team member. Engaging with older adults at the outset is vital and suitable contact organisations widely available.

  • Improving recruitment of older people to research through good practice
    McMurdo ME, Roberts H, Parker S, Wyatt N, May H, Goodman C, Jackson S, Gladman J, O'Mahony S, Ali K, Dickinson E, Edison P, Dyer C; Age and Ageing Specialty Group, NIHR, Comprehensive Clinical Research Network. Age Ageing. 2011 Nov;40(6):659-65. doi: 10.1093/ageing/afr115. Epub 2011 Sep 11. Review.
  • Involving older people in health research
    Fudge N, Wolfe CD, McKevitt C. Age Ageing. 2007 Sep;36(5):492-500. Epub 2007 Mar 29. Review.
  • UK Clinical Trails Gateway
    This database contains a list of clinical trials being undertaken in the United Kingdom and would be helpful to check prior to commencing research to establish if other researchers are attempting to answer the same clinical question.

It is essential that at milestones or completion of research project the study team report their findings and experience.

Publishing research outputs is essential part of the process allowing knowledge sharing. As with other points, the support of senior and experienced published colleagues is vital. As with previous sections choice of target output or journal is crucial, as is following specific guidance and attaining deadlines. Despite challenges, successful reporting and publication is highly rewarding personally.

Presenting research outputs is a foundation of advancing knowledge.

Experienced advice is important as is appreciating the format.  The experience of presenting research requires additional skills to other forms of reporting and is formative.

Critical appraisal of information and evidence has developed substantially over recent decades. This has led to development of more systematic, comprehensive and analysed conclusions from literature than before. These provides knowledge researches to support evidence based medicine. 

  • The Cochrane Collaboration and geriatric medicine
    Stott DJ, Young C, Howe T, Quinn TJ, Langhorne P. Age Ageing. 2013 Nov;42(6):677-8. doi: 10.1093/ageing/aft137. Epub 2013 Sep 17. No abstract available.
  •  Meta-analysis of observational studies in epidemiology: a proposal for reporting. Meta-analysis Of Observational Studies in Epidemiology (MOOSE) group
    Stroup DF(1), Berlin JA, Morton SC, Olkin I, Williamson GD, Rennie D, Moher D, Becker BJ, Sipe TA, Thacker SB. JAMA. 2000 Apr 19;283(15):2008-12.
  • University of Oxford – Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine
    This site contains lots of helpful about how to ask focused questions, refining search strategies and critical appraisal of research papers. The website’s reading list also includes a link ‘Statistics Toolkit’ by R Perera, C Heneghan & D Badenoch which explains how to interpret quantitative data.

This section contains a collection of helpful sources that fall outside of our framework

  • Research Councils UK - Becoming a Researcher and Developing a Research Career 
    This webpage explains the different stages of a research career with links to organisations with research opportunities.
  • Medical Research Council - How MRC supports research careers
    This webpage provides an overview  of the research career pathway with links to the type of support which can be offered to researchers by the Medical Research Council.
  • NIHR – Clinical Trials Guide for Trainees
    This document provides step by step guidance for the stages trainees will need to navigate whilst setting up a clinical trial. It contains many helpful links with further information whilst aim to avoid some of the pitfalls which can occur during trial development. 

Research and Scientific Writing Skills

This video was presented as part of the BGS Spring Meeting 2021. This one-hour session introduces both budding and experienced researchers to the concepts of scientific writing. In this interactive workshop, senior academics and academic trainees share their tips and experiences of writing abstracts for presentation and scientific papers for publication. It will be of interest to aspiring researchers from all career stages, but in particular early career researchers.