Welcome to the BGS Delirium Hub

This page brings together articles, national guidelines and best practice relevant to delirium and is frequently reviewed and updated by the BGS Clinical Quality Committee and the Dementia and Related Disorders Special Interest Group (SIG).

The hub consists of four main areas:

Introduction to delirium
Where you can find out what delirium is, and how it can be identified and managed.

Delirium in specific settings and situations
This section looks at the presentation of delirium in different settings or clinical situations, such as the emergency department or in older patients with COVID-19.

Education and training 
This section contains resources which focus on staff training and how to educate patients and relatives.

The latest research and evidence on delirium, its causes and management.

BGS elearning: Delirium in Older People

This is a comprehensive CPD elearning course covering the identification, causes and management of delirium.
It is free for BGS members click here for more information


With thanks to the StRs who helped put together this resource:

  • Dr Adelina Mcleod, Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
  • Dr Patrick Hogan,  King's College Hospital, King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, London
  • Dr Stewart McKenna, Forth Valley Royal Hospital
Thanks also go to Dr Emma Vardy, Chair of BGS Dementia and Related Disorders Special Interest Group (SIG), and Liz Sampson who assisted with the end of life care section.
If you think a resource is missing from the Delirium Hub or have any suggestions for additions or improvements, please email editor@bgs.org.uk.

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