Clinical guidelines

Clinical guidelines on falls and fractures

Published date
Last updated

On 14 July 2017, Public Health England published a new consensus statement supporting commissioning for prevention of falls and fractures and its resource pack. The guidance was produced by the National Falls Prevention Coordination Group (NFPCG). The NFPCG is made up of organisations involved in the prevention of falls, care for falls-related injuries and the promotion of healthy ageing. The resource pack identifies resources to support delivery.

The guidance is aimed at local commissioning and strategic leads in England with a remit for falls, bone health and healthy ageing.

This quality standard covers the diagnosis and management of hip fracture in adults (aged 18 years and over). It describes high-quality care in priority areas for improvement. It does not cover the prevention of hip fracture, which is covered in osteoporosis and falls in older people.

In November 2016, this quality standard was updated in response to an annual review, which identified changes in the areas for improvement for this topic.