Are you retiring from active practice, or have you retired? There is no need to end your relationship with the British Geriatrics Society. There are favourable membership rates for retired members and annual activities for retired BGS members and their partners.

The main purpose of the Retired Members Group is to:

  • Ensure that retired members can stay in touch with and contribute to the work of the Society
  • Provide a number of volunteering opportunities for retired members
  • Provide opportunities for social networking on both a regional and national basis.

All retired members are automatically included in this group, which is currently Chaired by Dr Anne Freeman In addition to Anne,  the group is seeking two or three volunteers to help run the group. If you are interested, please contact Anne directly.  Potential volunteering opportunities include:

  • Writing a column for the BGS Newsletter (twice a year); this might be about the activities of the Retired members group or any other issues of interest to retired members
  • Mentoring junior colleagues through the Association for Elderly Medicine Education (the AEME is closely associated with the BGS and runs the ‘Geriatrics for Juniors’ events as well as a mentoring-matching scheme)
  • Monitoring, updating and editing the Retired Members Group page on the BGS website
  • Volunteering at Marjory Warren House e.g. in the BGS library and archive
  • Contributing to the Society’s policy influencing work (attending meetings with the BGS Policy Manager, or attending meetings where a member of BGS staff is unavailable)
  • Assisting with social media blogs and updates
  • Acting as a peer reviewer for Age and Ageing
  • Participating in the Society’s committee structure.

To discuss any of these opportunities, please contact Mark Stewart in the secretariat team, who can be reached at  


A retired members social group has existed for many years and run many successful annual events.

Meetings have included visits to places of interest and informal presentations from both members and partners, most of which are of general interest and not health-related. Topics have often been related to post-retirement activities and those of historical interest are always appreciated. Past events have been held all over the country: from Windermere to Windsor, and Norwich to Newquay.

We will also be aiming to organise further meetings in different parts of the UK if there are retired members willing to help with organisation. All idea are welcome, and should be discussed with Mark Stewart in the secretariat team, who can be reached at   

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Contact Us

If you would like to be part of our Retired Members' Group, please contact us. You will need to be a BGS member to join.

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