Setting up a Frailty Virtual Ward: Opportunities, Successes and Challenges

Poster ID
Authors' names
Louis Savage; Claire Gibbons; Soumyajit Chatterjee; Helen Alexander
Author's provenances
Department of Elderly Care, Gloucestershire Royal Hospital, Gloucester, GL1 3NN



The Gloucestershire Frailty Virtual Ward (FVW) is a novel multidisciplinary collaborative project which seeks to improve care for frail older patients. We describe our experience, reflect on lessons learnt and plans for future service development.


The Gloucestershire FVW was started in early 2023. It arose from an understanding that the needs of frail patients can often be better met in their own homes, by utilising a combination of digital technology combined with improved working across organisational boundaries at the primary/secondary care interface. We reviewed data from all patients admitted onto our FVW between October 2023 and March 2024.


66 patients were included. The majority of patients were ‘step-down’, having been in hospital prior to FVW admission. The minority were ‘step-up’, having been referred from community colleagues. Clinical frailty scores ranged from 2-8, with a mean of 6. During this period, our FVW managed a range of different clinical problems. The most common reason for FVW admission was infection, then heart failure, delirium and acute kidney injury. Most patients were admitted for the management of a single problem (58%), although a significant proportion had 2 or more problems (42%). Our FVW conducted a variety of interventions, including blood tests, face-to-face reviews, amending medications including antimicrobials, diuretics and analgesia. Our FVW was also involved in decisions around the withdrawal of active care and initiation of a palliative approach.


Our FVW has helped facilitate early discharge and avoid hospital admission, with associated benefits to both patients and the acute trust. As a new service which aims to sit between primary and secondary care, we have encountered logistical and governance challenges associated with working across organisational boundaries. Additionally, we have found that the use of digital technology can cause anxiety for patients and place additional strain on carers.

