Background: NICE Quality Standard (QS) 164 – QS1 states; Adults with Parkinson's have a point of contact with specialist services. This will facilitate continuity of care and access to information, advice, care and support when they need it. QS4 states; Adults with Parkinson's disease in hospital or a care home should take levodopa within 30 minutes of their individually prescribed administration time.
Introduction: To increase opportunities in meeting NICE QS’s consistently, Parkinson’s Specialist Nurses introduced Parkinson’s Champions. Individual studies consistently find that champions are important positive influences on implementation effectiveness. Over half of people with Parkinson’s don’t get their medications on time in hospital. This can cause stress, anxiety, immobility, severe tremors, and in some extreme cases death.
Supportive structures that enabled the development and maintenance of our Champions Network:-
Clear Role Profile and Measurable Objectives
Provision of Resources/Tools
Ongoing Education/Training
Peer Support/Networking
PDNS leadership/support
Energy & Perseverance
Results: The Get it On Time Audit (GIOT) looked at Parkinson’s medications given more than 30 minutes early, on time and more than 30 minutes late. Following multiple interventions including promoting leadership and education within each dept, input to medicines policy, incident reporting and development of a learning module, On time medication administration improved from 58% to 80.05% compliance.
Champions were not experts in Parkinson’s when we started, through the process of undertaking the role, they have gained expertise and serve as an ongoing resource to their peers.
Conclusion: Our aim of having champions who enhance staff’s knowledge and skills so care delivered to persons with Parkinson’s is consistently safe and effective is being realised.
Investment in them, as demonstrated by audit results, is rewarded with more consistent meeting of NICE QS 164 and thus improved patient outcomes.
Our Champions network model will be shared with the Parkinson’s Excellence Network.