We love to hear from members and non-members with ideas and stories which can help shape the experience and knowledge in the health and care of older people.
Write a blog
The BGS blog aims to presents issues relevant to those working to improve the health and care of older people as well as highlight key iniatives and information from the BGS and beyond.
We welcome suggestions from guest bloggers who would like to use this platform to tell their stories, share their experiences, or highlight new or innovative research evidence or information.
Read our guidelines on submitting a blog for more details. All blogs are reviewed by our blog editors prior to publishing. Queries and submissions should be sent to pr@bgs.org.uk.
Write for our member magazine
Agenda is our bi-monthly magazine sent to all BGS members.
As well as providing news, updates and announcements from the BGS, it is a popular platform for sharing experiences, opinions, case studies and best practice from our members.
We welcome ideas and submissions from anyone interested in telling their story, whether they're a healthcare professional, carer, older person or expert in a related field.
Click here for further details including upcoming themes, deadlines and author guidelines.
Get in touch
We're also always very keen to hear from anyone interested in getting more involved with BGS activities, whether it be policy, publications, our regions, groups, events or any of our other work.
In particular, we love to hear about what's going well for you in your work and what you find problematic or challenging.
Please feel free to email us at enquiries@bgs.org.uk or by sending your feedback via the form below.
Join us on social media
Get active and follow us on Twitter @GeriSoc for the very latest from the BGS and older people's healthcare.