The 'Frailty Opportunity Identifier' - a practical tool utilising data to identify opportunities for improvement

Poster ID
Authors' names
D Thompson, S Conroy, M Tite
Author's provenances
NHS Elect at Imperial Colleage Healthcare NHS Trust, University College London


Key to managing frailty is to first measure it. Until recently, there was no hospital coding for frailty, which meant that it was not visible to commissioners in routine datasets, despite the wealth of studies highlight poor outcomes for older people living with frailty. AFN has created the Hospital Frailty Risk Score (HFRS), which generates a frailty risk from routine codes included in NHS datasets. This allows commissioners and providers to ‘see’ frailty across their system.

We have designed and implemented easy to use tools that allow any NHS staff to look at frailty risk profiles in any NHS organisation, to support improvement activity. The HFRS tool has been downloaded by 122 health systems in England.

Patient safety is fundamental to AFN and reducing the harm older people are exposed to in hospital is the main aim of the programme and sites participating in the network. To achieve this and spread best practice the AFN delivery team use a specific QI approach, primarily the Model for Improvement, focusing on Plan-Do-Study-Act cycles to build change in local systems.

The team deliver events each year for all participating teams to support teams and enable sharing of experience. Site visits comprise discussion about the local context, plans for change and a discussion about possible barriers, as well as a walk-though the patient pathway with patient safety as the absolute focus. Each participating hospital has an allocated QI Associate to support the team to plan, deliver and measure improvements.

AFN has linked closely with other campaigns that support the safety and improve the care of older people, such as ‘end PJ paralysis’ and ‘no decision about me without me’.
