The Impact and Interventions of a Frailty Pharmacist within Emergency Department Frailty Team of an Acute NHS Hospital Trust

Poster ID
Authors' names
L Organista; R Rai; R Gaddu
Author's provenances
Frail Elderly Assessment Team, Royal Derby Hospital, UHDB NHS Trust



Older patients admitted to the emergency department (ED) do not have a pharmacist-led medication review within the comprehensive geriatric assessment (CGA), yet the presenting complaint can be attributed to overprescribing and problematic polypharmacy. Taking ten or more medications increases the risk of hospital admission by 300% due to adverse drug reactions (ADRs)1, therefore a medication review can reduce this outcome by optimising current therapy2. Responsibility of safely transferring this medication information between care settings is a healthcare professional's duty, as the rate of error is 30 - 70%3.


Patients were identified by the ED Frailty Team according to local frailty criteria, including patients > 65 years presenting with delirium, a fall and/or multi-morbidities. Medicines reconciliation was carried out by the frailty pharmacist, and medications optimised to reduce future harm with investigations prompted where needed. Interventions were categorised. A summary plan was written to the General Practitioner (GP) and each patient was followed up after 4 weeks to assess if received and actioned appropriately.


73 medication reviews were conducted for patients (mean age 84.4 years) from June to September 2022, majority presenting with fall (69%). High-risk medication review was most common intervention (90%), followed by counselling (50%). 92% patients required a pharmaceutical intervention (n=208). GP plans were actioned for 65% patients in Primary Care.


ED frailty pharmacist's input reduced inappropriate polypharmacy and optimised medication for this patient cohort, with majority of care plans carried out appropriately following discharge. A future study could examine re-admission rates of patients in comparison to those without a frailty pharmacist's input.


1. Payne RA et al. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 2014; 77: 1073 – 1082.

2. Department of Health and Social Care, 2021. Available at Accessed 19/1/23.

3. Department of Health, 2011/2012. Available at: 2011/01/outcomesglance.pdf. Accessed 19/1/23.
