A scoping exercise in a residential dementia care home identified high numbers of falls occurring in residents’ bedrooms at night. Assessment and reduction of risk was often difficult since many falls were unwitnessed, and residents had poor recall. Collaborative working between Lewisham Community Falls Service (CFS); and Lewisham Linkline Service; involved the use of the ‘Just Checking’ monitoring system to enhance multifactorial falls assessment.
The Occupational Therapist (OT) in the CFS completed an initial multifactorial falls assessment. This helped to determine if data on night-time activity would be beneficial. This was discussed with care home staff and patient’s family prior to installation by the Telecare Specialist. The system was left insitu for four weeks with regular analysis of data by the OT and Telecare Specialist.
Resident A was a new admission with a recent dementia diagnosis and an injurious fall at home. 'Just Checking' was installed to monitor night time orientation and if he used his walking aid. He was refusing to keep a light on and was resistant to staff entering his room for checks. 'Just Checking' data guided intervention which included installation of motion centred lights. The resident started to use his walking aid at night without staff involvement. Resident B who had moderate to severe dementia, had demonstrated some challenging behaviours at night which increased his falls risk. 'Just Checking' data showed that he was restless throughout the night. This lack of quality sleep was identified as a key falls risk factor. Further exploration of his life story found that he had been a night worker for many years. Care home staff changed his day/sleep patterns. He experienced no further falls.
Used as an adjunct to multifactorial falls assessment; ‘Just Checking’ can provide valuable data to understand falls risk and improve resident safety.