Atrial Fibrillation, Transient Ischaemic Attack, and Stroke in older people

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A themed collection in Age and Ageing journal

With an increase in the ageing population, there is a rise in the burden of cardiovascular disease.  Age and Ageing have compiled collections of their key cardiovascular themed papers. The first Age and Ageing Cardiovascular Collection focussed on blood pressure, coronary heart disease and heart failure. In this second collection, publications since 2011 were selected with emphasis on atrial fibrillation (AF), transient ischaemic attack (TIA) and stroke. The prevalence of TIA and stroke increases as people get older. In this commentary we summarise studies published in Age and Ageing that bring to the fore the need for a multidisciplinary, person-centred approach to care, conscientious identification of risk factors and their management, and prevention strategies which will inform policy ultimately reducing the burden of cost placed by stroke care on healthcare financing. 

There is a commentary to accompany this collection, also published in Age and Ageing:  Atrial fibrillation, transient ischaemic attack and stroke in older people.

The BGS Spring 2023 conference includes a programme focusing on cardiovascular disease in older people and this collection of Age and Ageing papers has been scheduled to complement those resources. We hope delegates and those who follow the conference with #BGSconf enjoy some further reading. You can register for the conference here.

The Collection: