Falls in older people

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Falls in older people. An online themed collection of  Age and Ageing journal articles.

Curated by Prof Roger Francis.

Discover papers focused on falls in the older population from Age and Ageing, which include randomised controlled trials, systematic review and meta-analysis of studies, fall risk-assessment tools and more.


  1. A multifactorial intervention for the prevention of falls in psychogeriatric nursing home patients, a randomised controlled trial (RCT) March 2009; 38: 194-199. Jacques C. L. Neyens, Béatrice P. J. Dijcks, Jos Twisk, Jos M. G. A. Schols, Jolanda C. M. van Haastregt, Wim J. A. van den Heuvel and Luc P. de Witte
  2. The Winchester falls project: a randomised controlled trial of secondary prevention of falls in older people January 2009; 38: 33-40. Claire L. Spice, Wendy Morotti, Steve George, Thomas H. S. Dent, Jim Rose, Scott Harris, and Christopher J. Gordon
  3. A systematic review and meta-analysis of studies using the STRATIFY tool for prediction of falls in hospital patients: how well does it work? November 2008; 37: 621-627. David Oliver, Alexandra Papaioannou, Lora Giangregorio, Lehana Thabane, Katerina Reizgys, and Gary Foster
  4. Positional vertigo in a falls service. September 2008; 37: 585-588. Joanna Lawson, Doris-Eva Bamiou, Helen S. Cohen, and Julia Newton
  5. The effect of bedrails on falls and injury: a systematic review of clinical studies. July 2008; 37: 368-378. Frances Healey, David Oliver, Alisoun Milne and James B. Connelly
  6. Rate of accidental falls in institutionalised older people with and without cognitive impairment halved as a result of a staff-oriented intervention. May 2008; 37: 306-310. Anne Bouwen, Jan De Lepeleire and Frank Buntinx
  7. Fall risk-assessment tools compared with clinical judgment: an evaluation in a rehabilitation ward. May 2008; 37: 277-281. Michael Vassallo, Lynn Poynter, Jagdish C. Sharma, Joseph Kwan and Stephen C. Allen
  8. Fear of falling: measurement strategy, prevalence, risk factors and consequences among older person. January 2008; 37 19-24. Alice C. Scheffer, Marieke J. Schuurmans, Nynke van Dijk, Truus van der Hooft, and Sophia E. de Rooij
  9. Rethinking individual and community fall prevention strategies: a meta-regression comparing single and multifactorial interventions. November 2007; 36: 656-662. A. John Campbell and M. Clare Robertson
  10. A randomised controlled trial of Tai Chi and resistance exercise on bone health, muscle strength and balance in community-living elderly people. May 2007; 36: 262-268. Jean Woo, Athena Hong, Edith Lau, and Henry Lynn

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