Developing a pharmacist delivered medicines review tool for patients with frailty, enhancing CGA

Poster ID
Authors' names
Hannah Stonehouse, James Warne, Ewan Tevendale
Author's provenances
Darlington Memorial Hospital, DL3 6HX


Background Polypharmacy is a recognised burden on patients with frailty. Medication reviews as part of comprehensive geriatric assessment (CGA) ensure appropriate prescribing and minimise harms. This project aimed to develop and initiate a pharmacist delivered frailty medication review tool to enhance existing CGA within our acute frailty service. Methods A structured in-patient medication review tool was developed based on the STOPIT and STOPPFRAIL tools for patients with a clinical frailty score (CFS) of >4. Initial work tested this on 20 patients in our frailty ward evaluating usability and efficacy. A sample of patients seen by the acute frailty team were audited against this tool. Data was collected on falls risk medications, Anticholinergic Burden (ACB), medications stopped, medications to review and cost savings. On identifying the potential benefits, this tool was trialled by pharmacists on all elderly care wards with similar outcomes collected. Results. Twelve acute frailty inpatients’ CGAs were audited against the tool. Five had some evidence of a polypharmacy review but no FRAX or ACB scores were completed. 58% of patients were on 3 or more 'falls medications. Overall, 19 medications should have been stopped, 5 medications could have been reduced and 14 medications highlighted for review in primary care, with a potential cost saving of £956.35/year. After initiating pharmacist reviews with the tool, 34 of 34 patients had a review, 80% of FRAX scores were documented, ACB score was completed for all patients. All patients were taking medications that increased risk of falls (average 3.5/patient) with 16 patients on ≥4. Eighty-five medications were stopped, 10 medications reduced and 33 medications highlighted for review in primary care, with a cost saving of £2755.29/year. Conclusions This project developed a pharmacist delivered acute frailty polypharmacy tool which enhanced existing frailty medication reviews with potential cost savings.
