13.15 - 13.20 | Welcome & Introduction Dr Emily Lyon - Consultant in Elderly Care, Sunderland Royal Hospital |
13.20 - 13.50 | Updates in Alzheimer's Dementia diagnosis and management Dr Robert (Bob) Barber - Consultant Old Age Psychiatrist and Honorary Clinical Senior Lecturer, Newcastle University |
13.50 - 14.20 | Liberty Protection Safeguards Sharon Thompson - Designated Nurse Safeguarding Adults, South Tyneside CCG |
14.20 - 14.30 | BGS Northern Region Business meeting |
14.30 - 14.50 | Break |
14.50 - 15.55 | Platform Presentations
14.50 Frequency of Superadded Infections in Older Adults with COVID-19 15.00 Hearing aids and glasses: bedside signs prompt assessment of sensory needs, an audit 15.10 Inpatient Management of Traumatic Rib Fractures - A Local Prospective Analysis 15.20 QIP to Improve the documentation of Advance Care Planning Discussions in Elderly Medicine at Hull Royal Infirmary 15.30 Falls due to Polypharmacy: Documentation and de-prescription – A quality improvement 15.40 Discussion / Q&A |
15.55 - 16.00 | Closing words Dr Emily Lyon - Consultant in Elderly Care, Sunderland Royal Hospital |
Chairs: Dr Emily Lyon (13.15 - 14.20) and Dr Fionnuala Johnston (14.50 - 15.55)